Lindy Contorelli - Pinterest Manager and VA

About Lindy

I love helping entrepreneurs achieve their goals.

I started using Pinterest personally way back in 2012. I love the simplicity of it, the visual aesthetics, and the ability to curate so many ideas and things I love. Then in 2018 I began using Pinterest as a business tool to drive traffic to my personal blog.

I couldn’t believe the amount of traffic it generated to my website and was eager to learn the platform inside and out so I could drive more traffic to my blog. This is when I became obsessed, and let’s just say I became very, VERY good at it.

After seeing the success I had with my own accounts, I wanted to help other small businesses do the same. That is how The Foundre: was born. A passion turned business. I absolutely love what I do, and I can’t wait to help you turn your passions into success.


Creative visionary

I have worked in Digital Marketing and Graphic Design for 13 years, and aim to streamline your branding and create eye-catching pins and posts that convert.

Strategic thinker

I have spent years developing my Keyword Strategy and Pinterest SEO tactics. This process will essentially be the key to your traffic growth.

Passionate innovator

As a Pinterest Manager and Content Strategist, I strive to continually educate myself on Digital Marketing best practices and stay up to date on the ever-changing algorithms.

Detail-oriented leader

As your Pinterest Virtual Assistant I will help you organize your Pinterest Strategy, streamline your account, and optimize every detail necessary to grow your traffic.

Pinterest Expert and Strategist

Things I’m currently into

Empowering woman entrepreneurs at
Advocating for woman and mom-focused charities and organizations.
Baking, curating recipes on Pinterest, and discovering new food bloggers.
Discovering new music and attending as many concerts as possible.
Pilates, Long Walks, and time with my kids.
Pinterest Marketing & Management
Researching, reading, and learning growth strategies for small businesses.

Who I help

Wedding Photographer Pinterest Management

Weddings & Events

Brands, Businesses, Blogs & Venues

Did you know weddings are one of the most popular topics on Pinterest? Whether you are a wedding dress designer, wedding photographer, wedding and events venue, or a wedding or party product shop on Etsy, I can help you grow website traffic to your business exponentially.

Food & Hospitality

Food Bloggers, Businesses, Travel Destinations & Hotels

Another popular topic on Pinterest… food and travel! Recipes are the top thing pinned on Pinterest, as well as travel destinations. If you are a food blogger, brand, hotel, or travel destination, tapping into traffic from Pinterest could help grow your brand and draw visitors to your venue.

Travel and Food Blogger Pinterest Marketing
Pinterest Manager for Etsy Shop and Ecommerce Stores

Fashion & E-commerce

Fashion Brands, Etsy Store Owners & E-commerce Sites

Whether you are a luxury brand or a small one-person business, Pinterest is so useful for Etsy traffic and traffic to your e-commerce website. With proper product photography and relevant content, I can help you drive traffic to your listings and help your business GET FOUND.

Bloggers & Influencers

Food Bloggers, Fashion Influencers, Travel Destinations & Hotels

Another popular topic on Pinterest… food and travel! Recipes are the top thing pinned on Pinterest, as well as travel destinations, and fashion inspiration. If you are a food blogger, brand, fashion influencer, hotel, or travel destination, tapping into traffic from Pinterest could help grow your brand and draw visitors to your venue.

Pinterest Management for Bloggers and Influencers

… and more. Let’s work together and help you GET FOUND.