Increasing your website traffic

One Pin at a time.

They say that once something is on the internet it is there forever. Even though Pinterest is a Social Media platform, it is also a search engine. Once you post a pin on Pinterest, it is there for good, giving your content a much longer lifespan than other social platforms. When a pin goes viral, it can drive traffic to your website for months or even YEARS. Let’s tap into that!

Pinterest VA Services

Pinterest Management Services​

New Client special


for 3 months of pinterest management

Get 3 months of Pinterest Management for the price of one.

  • FREE Quick Pinterest Account Audit.
  • Keyword research and keyword list provided to the client for future use.
  • FREE Profile and Board Optimization included.
  • With this new client package, I will create 90 pins and schedule 1 pin per day for 90 days.
  • Pins will come from client-created content generated in the first 30 days – 3 pins per piece of content.
  • I will then schedule the first 30 days of content, then repeat that 30 days of content with new pins over the following two months.
  • You will end up with 90 days of scheduled optimized pins.
  • 15% off your next Pinterest Management Package, should you decide to continue with my services!

*Only for first-time clients. 

The packages

What is included?

Pinterest Management - Lite

  • Every Board optimized for SEO or new boards created.
  • Keyword Research for your business and target audience.
  • Creation of branded Pinterest graphics based on my top converting pin designs.
  • 2 NEW Pin Images Created & Scheduled Weekly
  • Every new pin optimized for SEO.
  • Pins scheduled via the FREE Pinterest scheduler or Tailwind.
  • Monthly analytics review sent to you via email.
  • FREE access to me via email M-F, 8 am-5 pm MST.

Pinterest Management - Grow

  • Initial account set up or audit report sent via email.
  • Keyword Research for your business and target audience.
  • Website claimed, profile set up, and optimized for SEO.
  • Every Board optimized for SEO or new boards created.
  • Creation of branded Pinterest graphics based on my top converting pin designs.
  • 30 NEW Pins created every month - scheduled weekly. (video & static pins)
  • 30 keyword-rich pin descriptions.
  • Pins scheduled via the FREE Pinterest scheduler or Tailwind.
  • Bi-Weekly analytics review sent to you via email to ensure current strategy is working.
  • FREE access to me via email M-F, 8 am-5 pm MST.

Pinterest Management - Accelerate

  • Initial account set up or audit and strategy call.
  • Keyword Research for your business and target audience - Compiled report sent to you via email for future use.
  • Website claimed, profile set up, and optimized for SEO.
  • Every Board optimized for SEO or new boards created.
  • Creation of custom Pinterest graphics templates via Canva for you to keep and re-use in the future.
  • 60 NEW Pins created every month - scheduled weekly. (video & static pins)
  • 60 keyword-rich pin descriptions.
  • Up to 30 existing pin descriptions rewritten and optimized for SEO.
  • Pins scheduled via the FREE Pinterest scheduler or Tailwind.
  • Bi-Weekly analytics review sent to you via email to ensure current strategy is working.
  • Free Access to me via Email 24/7.

Disclaimer: Even though I offer a 1-month commitment, Pinterest is a search engine, much like Google. It takes at least 1 month to start seeing results, and about 3-6 months to begin seeing substantial results. There is a 30 day cancellation notice.

Blogging and Pinterest are a perfect match. I handle everything from SEO-optimized copy, photo selection, keyword research, and creating Pins and Instagram Graphics for each post. Increase website traffic and get maximum results. Packages start at $997 per month.

For those with existing business accounts that may not be getting the traffic or the reach you want from Pinterest. Let’s take a deep dive into your SEO and analytics to see why.

  • I will perform a full Pinterest Account Audit.
  • Keyword Research for your business and target audience – Compiled report sent to you via email for future use.
  • Receive a checklist with actions to take to get your account growing.



Making sure your account is set up and optimized correctly from day one will help your content rank 10X faster!​

  • Entire account and profile is set up for you.
  • Website claimed & Rich Pins Enabled.
  • Keyword Research for your business and target audience.
  • Profile Optimized.
  • 5 SEO Optimized Boards Created
  • 5 SEO Optimized Pins Created.


I will do the keyword research for you! I will compile a full report and list of the best keywords for you to use in your marketing and on your website. 


Other Services

1 on 1 Consult – $75 per hour, 1 hour minimum

Blog Management & Monetization – price varies

Keyword Research & Reports

Graphic Design, Social Post Design & Product Collages

Other Digital Marketing Services Coming Soon…

The Pinterest Management Process

  • First, I’ll take a look at your Inquiry, your website, and any other relevant information before we sign a contract.
  • Next, I’ll audit your account if you already have a Pinterest account. Depending on the package you choose, I will either email my audit findings and strategy to you, or we can set up a call to discuss the audit and talk strategy. Then we get started!
  • Every week, if you have new content and links to send me, I need them by the designated day we discuss in our strategy meeting. If I don’t receive anything from you, I check your website to see if you have any new content to post for the week. 
  • Next, I visit the trends tool. I want to see what trends and keywords are GROWING in popularity for the week/month. I jot down the ones that fit in with your specific niche. Depending on the age of your account, I will see what trends are popular with your audience at the moment. Then I see if you have any current content that fits with those growing trends; this way (other than new content), I can make a plan for what new pin images I will be creating. 
  • Then, I take a deeper dive into your analytics. I want to see what top 5 pins are popular with your audience right now. Remember, analytics are a great way to know what is working for YOUR specific audience. Do any of these pins also align with growing trends? Upcoming seasonal trends? Do any of these pins align with your top 4 popular boards? (Engagements VS Clicks) 
  • Finally, I will create pins and a custom pinning strategy for the week based on your new content (if you have any), growing trends, and content that is popular with your audience. (NOTE: Pinning strategies can change weekly based on metrics, engagement and trends.) 
  • At the end of each week, or bi-weekly depending on your package, I will send you a review of your analytics to ensure we are on the right track, and we can discuss any changes or implementations for the week ahead.
Pinterest Virtual Assistant Services

Innovating brilliance

Meet the mind behind the magic

Hi, I’m Lindy.

I am a Pinterest-obsessed internet nerd and serial entrepreneur with a passion for digital marketing and analytics. I believe everyone should be able to monetize their passion project and turn it into a full-time career. I can’t wait to help you achieve your traffic goals as your Pinterest Strategist.

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