Social Media Manager

Pinterest Management


Why does my business need a Pinterest Manager?

There are many reasons a business would want to hire a Pinterest Manager, but the biggest reason is Traffic Growth to your website. Perhaps:

  • You aren’t familiar with Pinterest, and the platform’s best practices.
  • You don’t have time to manage your Pinterest account, even though you know it could help increase sales.
  • You’re completely overwhelmed with where to even begin.
  • You’re invested in the online growth of your business and want an expert to help you with a long-term growth strategy. 

Blog Management


What is a Blog Manager?

I take the behind-the-blog tedious work out of your hands, so you can focus on Instagram, TikTok & being an influencer.

  • I will ensure your blog is fully optimized for SEO and page speed, and ensure your website aesthetic and user experience is up to par.
  • I can ensure your blog is fully monetized to maximize your earnings.
  • I can write keyword-focused blog posts and articles for you, and manage your posting schedule and content calendar.
  • Whatever you need help with on your blog, I can do it…
Pinterest Tips and Trends

More FAQ’s

Pinterest Management is best for photographers, bloggers, influencers, Online Service Providers and Coaches, Etsy Shops, E-commerce stores… and any entrepreneur or business who wants to drive more targeted traffic to their website. It is best if you already have a website or business where you consistently add new content or products, and you want to use Pinterest to drive traffic to your products and services.

Pinterest management is not for someone looking for a quick fix. Organic traffic takes time to grow, so unless you have a few months to commit, you will not see any substantial results. It’s also not for Businesses that have only a few links on their website and aren’t dedicated to creating consistent, new content or businesses that want to use Pinterest to ‘fix their business’. It just simply doesn’t work that way.

That’s all you need to succeed! Pinterest loves consistency, but not quantity. If you pin too often, it can be marked as spam. And, I have seen substantial growth with just one pin per day. Growth to over 1 million impressions! So, why do more than you have to?!

No they do not. However, keep in mind that Pinterest is a search engine just like Google. It takes time to see measurable results. It takes Pinterest a week to even show stats on a pin, then a few more weeks to see any growth at all. I would consider committing to 3-6 months of Pinterest Marketing Management if you want to see substantial growth in numbers.

While I can promise an increase in website traffic and engagement, I have no control over what potential customers do once they get to your sales page or email opt-in page. I can safely say that the more eyes you get on your content, the higher the chance you have of making sales and growing your email list.

As much as Google and I both love consistent new content, there’s no need to create content every week. I check your blog or online store each week for new content. If you don’t provide me with any new content to create pins from for the week, then I can easily reuse old content from Pinterest and your website in a fresh new way. But you are welcome to always send new links my way or let me know if there is anything specific you want to be prioritized for the week. I HIGHLY recommend adding a new link on your website every week. The easiest way to accomplish this is by creating a weekly blog post. It is easy to spin or repurpose content from other platforms, like your YouTube videos or podcast episodes, into blog posts that we can turn into high-converting pins on Pinterest. 

Once again, Pinterest is a search engine, and it takes time to build. Ideally, we would work together for 3-6 months to achieve optimal results.

There are so many amazing Pinterest managers out there. Ideally, you want to find someone who is the right fit for you, your goals, your budget and your brand. I take on various niches, business types, and sizes. I am especially talented when it comes to wedding photographers and businesses in the Wedding and Events industry. As well as, Etsy Shops, Fashion Influencers, and Food Bloggers. These niches always do well on Pinterest. I am open to all businesses, so if you’re attracted to my branding, and my services match your needs, and if having someone on your team who is dedicated to your success is important to you, then let’s do this!

Keep in mind I am a Pinterest expert, so if I don’t think your brand or niche will do well on Pinterest vs other platforms, I will definitely let you know. I don’t take on clients who I don’t think would fit well with my design style or a business that I don’t think will perform well on the platform. I won’t waste your money, and honesty and integrity are core pillars of my brand. You can find out more about me, HERE.

Does this all work for you? Are you ready to get started? Let’s get you FOUND.